Wu Zhenxiu. Research status of preparation of vanadium pentoxide from vanadium containing solution[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2023, 44(2): 9-19. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2023.02.002
Citation: Wu Zhenxiu. Research status of preparation of vanadium pentoxide from vanadium containing solution[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2023, 44(2): 9-19. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2023.02.002

Research status of preparation of vanadium pentoxide from vanadium containing solution

doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2023.02.002
  • Received Date: 2022-11-21
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-30
  • The vanadium containing solution is mainly used to obtain vanadium compound and then calcined to prepare vanadium pentoxide, by means of ammonium salt precipitation, hydrolytic precipitation, melamine precipitation, reduction precipitation and other methods. In this paper, the research status, advantages and disadvantages of vanadium precipitation methods were summarized, including weak acidic ammonium salt precipitation, acidic ammonium salt precipitation, hydrolysis, melamine sink and reduction technology. Meanwhile, the pH range, ammonium salt consumption, V2O5 purity and research hotspot in the precipitation process were comprehensively discussed. In the future, the industrialization of vanadium precipitation process will inevitably develop towards diversification and integration, according to the characteristics of raw materials, the requirements of terminal products, economic cost and environmental protection. The future research topic of the vanadium pentoxide preparation from vanadium solution in the laboratory may mainly focus on the impurities removal, the precipitation mechanism using high concentrated vanadium solution, and the development of new technology.
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