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田玉石 仇圣桃 朱荣 徐李军 时朋召 王旭

田玉石, 仇圣桃, 朱荣, 徐李军, 时朋召, 王旭. 板坯连铸浸入式水口及结晶器内钢液流态的研究现状分析[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2024, 45(6): 142-150. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.019
引用本文: 田玉石, 仇圣桃, 朱荣, 徐李军, 时朋召, 王旭. 板坯连铸浸入式水口及结晶器内钢液流态的研究现状分析[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2024, 45(6): 142-150. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.019
Tian Yushi, Qiu Shengtao, Zhu Rong, Xu Lijun, Shi Pengzhao, Wang Xu. Review on the flow pattern of molten steel in the submerged entry nozzle and the mold of continuous casting slabs[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2024, 45(6): 142-150. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.019
Citation: Tian Yushi, Qiu Shengtao, Zhu Rong, Xu Lijun, Shi Pengzhao, Wang Xu. Review on the flow pattern of molten steel in the submerged entry nozzle and the mold of continuous casting slabs[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2024, 45(6): 142-150. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.019


doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.019

    田玉石,1985年出生,男,辽宁丹东人,工学博士,主要从事连铸工艺优化及铸坯质量控制研究工作,E-mail: yushi.tian@139.com


    仇圣桃,1965年出生,男,江苏扬州人,工学博士,正高级工程师,主要从事冶金材料技术领域基础理论及相关工艺控制等方面研发工作,E-mail: qiust@cisri.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TF777.1

Review on the flow pattern of molten steel in the submerged entry nozzle and the mold of continuous casting slabs

  • 摘要: 通过系统分析连铸水口及结晶器内钢液流态的研究现状,深入探讨了不同工况条件下流态的转变规律、共性特征、影响因素及其对铸坯质量的影响,并着重分析了结晶器流动的非对称性。认为:①水口内存在气泡流、膜状流、环状流和段塞流等多种流态,流态受液体流量、气体流量和中间包液位影响。其中,气泡流相对稳定,有利于连铸生产。②当板坯结晶器处于对称的双辊流状态,且液面流速控制在0.26~0.43 m/s时,有助于显著提高铸坯质量;同时,较高的拉速、较低的氩气流量以及增大的水口浸入深度有助于形成双辊流。③流动非对称性会引发偏流,通过精准的工艺操作可保障生产顺行并提高铸坯质量。
  • 图  1  水口内的典型流态

    Figure  1.  The typical flow patterns present in a submerged entry nozzle

    图  2  水口内的段塞流及其破碎[10]

    Figure  2.  The slug flow occurring inside the submerged entry nozzle and its breakup process[10]

    图  3  水口内的典型流态(θw=77°)[11]

    Figure  3.  The typical flow patterns present in a submerged entry nozzle (θw=77°)[11]

    图  4  水口内的典型流态(θw=104°)[11]

    Figure  4.  The typical flow patterns present in a submerged entry nozzle (θw=104°)[11]

    图  5  水口内的典型流态[13]


    Figure  5.  The typical flow patterns present in a submerged entry nozzle[13]

    图  6  不同材质的水口内的流态对比[11]

    Figure  6.  Comparison of flow patterns inside the submerged entry nozzle influenced by different material conditions[11]

    图  7  板坯结晶器内的典型流态示意[24]


    Figure  7.  Schematic representation of typical flow patterns inside the slab mold[24]

    图  8  Krupp-Hoesch钢厂3#板坯连铸机流态监测


    Figure  8.  Flow pattern monitoring of the No. 3 slab caster at the Krupp-Hoesch steel plant

    图  9  结晶器内流动的非对称性数学模拟

    (a)t=518.33 s; (b)t=522.33 s

    Figure  9.  Mathematical simulation of asymmetry in mold flow

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