Research progress of targeted extraction of vanadium by functional ionic liquids
摘要: 溶剂萃取法是提钒最常用的分离富集方法。传统的工业萃钒方法存在萃取效果不理想、选择性差以及环境和安全方面等问题。离子液体具有宽液程、低蒸汽压不易挥发、物化性质可调、易于功能性设计、电化学窗口宽、导电性好、热稳定性高等诸多优点,可实现钒的靶向高效萃取。综述了离子液体萃取回收钒的研究进展,重点关注了咪唑类离子液体和季铵盐类离子液体的物化性质、合成方法与萃钒机理。钒的萃取机理主要包括阴离子交换和中性络合等机制,通过不同离子液体的特性,钒的萃取效率和选择性得以优化。通过对离子液体在提钒过程中的机理分析和应用案例的揭示,以期为钒提取领域的研究和应用提供参考。同时,也指出了离子液体萃取剂在成本、大规模应用等方面面临的一些挑战,需要进一步的研究和发展。Abstract: The solvent extraction method is the most commonly used technique for the separation and enrichment of vanadium. However, traditional industrial vanadium extraction methods encounter issues such as unsatisfactory extraction efficiency, poor selectivity, and environmental and safety concerns. Ionic liquids possess many advantages, including a wide liquid range, low vapor pressure, non-volatility, tunable physical and chemical properties, ease of functional design, a wide electrochemical window, good conductivity, and high thermal stability, enabling targeted and efficient extraction of vanadium. This review summarizes the research progress on the extraction and recovery of vanadium using ionic liquids, with a focus on the physical and chemical properties, synthesis methods, and extraction mechanisms of imidazolium and quaternary ammonium ionic liquids. The extraction mechanisms of vanadium mainly include anion exchange and neutral complexation, which optimize the extraction efficiency and selectivity of vanadium through the unique properties of different ionic liquids. By analyzing the mechanisms of ionic liquids in the vanadium extraction process and revealing application cases, this review aims to provide references for research and applications in the field of vanadium extraction. Additionally, it highlights the challenges faced by ionic liquid extractants in terms of cost and large-scale application, indicating that further research and development are needed.
图 1 合成离子液体的方法流程[33]
Figure 1. Flow chart for the synthesis of ionic liquids
图 2 [Omim]Br的反应流程[41]
Figure 2. The reaction flow chart of [Omim]Br
图 6 TOMAC萃钒原理[53]
Figure 6. Schematic illustration of the mechanism of vanadium extraction by TOMAC
表 1 常用于萃钒的离子液体类型
Table 1. Types of ionic liquids commonly used in vanadium extraction
离子液体类型 离子液体类别名称及相关化学式 阳离子 咪唑 苯并咪唑盐 铵 吡啶盐 阴离子 六氟磷酸根( Ⅴ ) 四氟硼酸根 卤素阴离子 醋酸盐 硝酸盐 2,2,2 -三氟乙酸 双离子 咪唑类
Bmim Cl-AlCl3季铵盐类
[A336][P507]表 2 常见咪唑类和季铵盐类离子液体物理化学性质
Table 2. Physicochemical properties of imidazolium and quaternary ammonium ionic liquids
离子液体类型 名称 熔点/ ℃ 体积密度
(20 ℃)/(g·cm−3)分子量 咪唑类 [C6mim][PF6] −73.5 1.3045 312.24 [C8mim][PF6] −70 1.2345 340.29 [Omim]Cl 12 1.01 230.78 [Omim]Br −61.9 1.17 275.23 [Omim][BF4] −80 1.09 282.13 [bmim]PF6 6.5 1.38 284.18 季铵盐类 C25H54ClN −20 0.884 404.16 离子液体 钒的萃取率/% 杂质元素分离效果 萃取机理 [C8mim][PF6] 高(>90) 对Cr(VI)的选择性较低 阴离子交换:HV10O273−与PF6−之间的交换 [Omim]Cl 97.93 杂质分离效果好 阴离子交换:Cl−与HVO42−的交换 [Omim]Br 96.59 杂质分离效果好 阴离子交换:Br−与HVO42−的交换 [Omim][BF4] 87.01 杂质分离效果好 阴离子交换:BF4−与HVO42−的交换 TOMAC 98 对Fe、Al、Mg、K、P、Ca的分离系数高 阴离子交换:Cl−与多钒酸根离子的交换 [A336][NO3]或[RNH3][NO3] 高 V/Cr分离系数为35 阴离子交换:NO3−与V4O124− (或V3O93−)之间的交换 [bmim]PF6或
[bmim]Cl-AlCl3高 阴离子交换:PF6−或Cl−与钒离子之间的交换 [A336][P507] 98.53 对铁(8.46%)、铬(5.46%)的萃取率低 中性络合:P=O与V=O之间的作用力,
伴随H+和SO42−的提取[A336][P204] 77.27 杂质分离效果好,相分离快速,但有机相下层
有少量白色胶状物类似[A336][P507],中性络合 -
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