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赖奇 彭富昌 陈映志 张静 赵曦光 陈今良 吴毅 董英杰

赖奇, 彭富昌, 陈映志, 张静, 赵曦光, 陈今良, 吴毅, 董英杰. 钛的吸氢制备及其能量分析[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2024, 45(6): 34-38. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.005
引用本文: 赖奇, 彭富昌, 陈映志, 张静, 赵曦光, 陈今良, 吴毅, 董英杰. 钛的吸氢制备及其能量分析[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2024, 45(6): 34-38. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.005
Lai Qi, Peng Fuchang, Chen Yingzhi, Zhang Jing, Zhao Xiguang, Chen Jinliang, Wu Yi, Dong Yingjie. Preparation of titanium by hydrogenation and analysis of its energy[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2024, 45(6): 34-38. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.005
Citation: Lai Qi, Peng Fuchang, Chen Yingzhi, Zhang Jing, Zhao Xiguang, Chen Jinliang, Wu Yi, Dong Yingjie. Preparation of titanium by hydrogenation and analysis of its energy[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2024, 45(6): 34-38. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.005


doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2024.06.005
基金项目: 四川省自然科学基金项目(2022NSFSC0223);钢城集团-攀枝花学院科研协同创新项目(HX2022096);四川省钒钛材料工程技术研究中心项目(2021-FTGC-YD09);攀枝花学院研究生创新计划项目 (y2024018)。




  • 中图分类号: TF823

Preparation of titanium by hydrogenation and analysis of its energy

  • 摘要: 以海绵钛为原料,在不同温度、不同时间下制备出氢化钛。根据重量变化分析其反应原理,用X射线衍射仪(XRD)进行结构分析,扫描电镜(SEM)进行形貌分析。结果显示:随反应温度升高,氢化钛质量增加率增大,脆性也变大。当温度高于500 ℃之后,质量增长率变化不大。热力学计算结果发现温度从300 ℃增加到700 ℃时,平衡常数显著下降,表明反应温度过高不利于反应进行。氢化过程的吸附能量计算表明其较优吸附位位于其中心点位。固溶能量分析表明氢原子更倾向于占据八面体间隙。
  • 图  1  不同温度氢化钛粉SEM形貌

    Figure  1.  SEM diagram of titanium hydride at different temperatures

    (a) 400 ℃; (b) 450 ℃;(c) 500 ℃

    图  2  不同温度下氢化钛粉XRD谱

    Figure  2.  XRD spectra of titanium hydride powder at different temperatures

    图  3  钛氢化反应△r$ {H}_{{\mathrm{m}}}^{\theta } $(T)与△r$ {G}_{{\mathrm{m}}}^{\theta } $(T)随温度的变化

    Figure  3.  r$ {H}_{{\mathrm{m}}}^{\theta } $(T) and △r$ {G}_{{\mathrm{m}}}^{\theta } $(T) of titanium hydrogenation reaction with temperature

    图  4  温度与平衡氢化反应的平衡常数间的关系

    Figure  4.  Relationship between temperature and equilibrium constant of equilibrium hydrogenation reaction

    图  5  H2分子在Ti表面的较优吸附位


    Figure  5.  Preferred adsorption sites of H2 molecules on the Ti surface

    图  6  H2分子在Ti内部的固溶位置


    Figure  6.  Solid solution positions of H2 molecules inside Ti

    表  1  不同温度下质量增长率及脆性

    Table  1.   Quality growth rate and brittleness at different temperatures

    反应温度/℃ 钛质量/g 氢化钛质量/g 质量增加率/% 脆性
    400 1.286 1.335 3.8
    450 2.745 2.858 4.1
    500 2.225 2.318 4.2 一般
    550 2.811 2.929 4.2
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    表  2  氢原子占据α-Ti-H 体系八面体和四面体间隙的溶解热计算结果

    Table  2.   Calculation results of dissolution heat of hydrogen atoms occupying between octahedral and tetrahedral gaps in α-Ti-H system

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    表  3  氢原子位于八面体间隙的α-Ti-H 体系的体积变化

    Table  3.   Volume change of α Ti-H system of hydrogen atoms located in octahedral gaps %

    α-Ti(2Ti) 16Ti-H 8Ti-H 4Ti-H 2Ti-H
    0 0.17 0.87 1.17 3.84
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