Progress of laser additive manufactured high-performance metal structural materials
摘要: 高性能金属构件激光增材制造技术在重大高端装备制造中展现出巨大发展潜力和广阔的应用前景,北京航空航天大学在大型金属构件激光增材制造方面开展了深入研究,取得了许多突破性研究成果。文中综述了该团队在高性能金属结构材料激光增材制造技术方面的研究进展,揭示了激光增材制造非平衡凝固形核生长机理,建立了钛合金和镍基高温合金晶粒形态主动控制方法,提出了激光增材制造材料强韧化新机理,开发出高性能增材制造钛合金和超高强度钢。未来研究热点仍聚焦于激光/金属交互作用行为、材料凝固相变规律等基础问题研究,以及基于激光增材超常冶金的高性能全新金属结构材料设计与开发,以进一步发挥激光增材制造技术在国家重大装备大型金属构件制造方面的变革性潜力。Abstract: Laser additive manufacturing technology on high-performance metallic components has shown great potential and broad application prospects in the manufacturing of key equipment. Beihang University has conducted deep research on laser additive manufactured large metallic components and achieved many research breakthroughs. In this article, the progress of laser additive manufactured high-performance metal structural materials was summarized. The non-equilibrium solidification and nucleation growth behavior were revealed, and the active control method on grain morphologies of titanium alloys and nickel-based superalloys was established. Besides, new strengthening and toughening mechanisms for laser additive manufactured materials were proposed, while titanium alloy and ultra-high strength steel specially for additive manufacturing were developed. Future research interests will continue to focus on fundamental issues such as laser/metal interaction behavior, material solidification and phase transition laws, as well as the design and development of high-performance new alloys based on extreme metallurgical conditions of laser additive manufacturing. Thus, the transformative potential of laser additive manufacturing technology in the manufacturing of large metal components for key equipments can be further unleashed.
图 5 LAM-TC11与锻件TC4-DT钛合金的疲劳裂纹扩展速率相当[16]
Figure 5. Comparison of fatigue crack growth rate of LAM-TC11 titanium alloy and forged TC4-DT
表 1 LAM-TC11、TC11锻件、TC4-DT和TC4钛合金强度和断裂韧性对比[16]
Table 1. Comparison of ultimate strength and fracture toughness of LAM-TC11, forged TC11, TC4-DT and TC4 titanium alloys[16]
试样 极限强度
σ0.2/σb(KIC/σb)/(mm)1/2 许用应力
[σ]=(σb/1.5)/MPa(KIC/σ0.2)2/mm LAM-TC11 1056 902 116 0.85 3.47 704 16.54 TC11锻件 1076 980 76 0.91 2.23 717 6.01 TC4-DT(锻造) 858 794 106 0.93 3.92 572 17.82 TC4(锻造) 922 885 64 0.96 2.19 614 5.23 -
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