Preparation of electrically conductive carbon fiber-cement mortars with carbonized titanium-bearing blast furnace slag as an aggregate
摘要: 以含钛高炉渣的碳化产物(含钛碳化渣)为集料,以碳纤维为导电相,制备了导电水泥砂浆。测试了含钛碳化渣-碳纤维水泥砂浆在不同碳纤维含量下的抗折、抗压强度和电阻率,并与标准砂-碳纤维水泥砂浆进行了性能比较。结果显示,以含钛碳化渣替代标准砂作为集料,不仅能显著提升碳纤维水泥砂浆的抗压和抗折强度,使其满足建筑水泥砂浆的要求,还将导电水泥砂浆的渗流阈值从0.5 %降低至0.2 %。当碳纤维含量为2.0 %时,以含钛碳化渣作为集料的水泥砂浆表现出优异的性能:28 d抗压和抗折强度分别为39.9 MPa和10.2 MPa,湿润条件下电阻率为10.7 Ω·m,干燥条件下电阻率为10.9 Ω·m。该研究既为含钛高炉渣的再利用提供了一种新思路,也为导电水泥基复合材料的制备提供了新选择。Abstract: Electrically conductive cement mortars were prepared by using carbon fiber as a conductive phase and carbonized titanium-bearing blast furnace slag (CTBFS) as an aggregate. The content of carbon fiber on the rupture strength, compressive strength, and electrical resistivity of the as-prepared cement mortar was investigated and compared with those with standard sand as an aggregate. The results show that the replacement of standard sand with CTBFS as the aggregate not only significantly improved the rupture and compressive strength of carbon fiber cement mortar, making it meet the requirements of building cement mortar, but also reduced the threshold of conductive cement mortar from 0.5% to 0.2%. With a carbon fiber content of 2.0%, the as-prepared cement mortar with CTBFS as the aggregate showed excellent performance with 28 d compression and rupture strength of 39.9 MPa and 10.2 MPa, respectively, as well as electrical resistance of 10.7 Ω·m in wet state and 10.9 Ω·m in dry state, respectively. The investigation provides a new way for the reuse of titanium-bearing blast furnace slag and the preparation of conductive cement-based composites.
表 1 短切碳纤维性质
Table 1. Properties of chopped carbon fibers
(Ω·cm)6 ≥ 95 3.8 1.76 1.5×10−3 表 2 碳纤维水泥砂浆的配合比
Table 2. Mix proportion of carbon fiber cement mortar
编号 碳纤维含量/% 材料配比/g 水泥 碳化渣 标准砂 水 短切碳纤维 1 0.2 450 1350 0 225 0.90 2 0.5 450 1350 0 225 2.25 3 0.8 450 1350 0 225 3.60 4 1.1 450 1350 0 225 4.95 5 1.5 450 1350 0 225 6.75 6 2.0 450 1350 0 225 9.00 7 0.2 450 0 1350 225 0.90 8 0.5 450 0 1350 225 2.25 9 0.8 450 0 1350 225 3.60 10 1.1 450 0 1350 225 4.95 11 1.5 450 0 1350 225 6.75 12 2.0 450 0 1350 225 9.00 -
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