通过水溶液电解法将钛微合金钢中的含钛夹杂物完整地电解提取出来,并采用物理磁选的方法实现夹杂物的无损分离。含钛夹杂物经过超声分散、滴撒夹杂物悬浊液的方式进行制样,并结合扫描电镜研究其形貌。研究发现:随稀土加入量的增加,含钛夹杂物形貌发生不同程度的改变。不添加稀土铈时,钢中含钛夹杂物为典型的长方体形貌。加入0.003 8%稀土铈时,长方体含钛夹杂物转变为正方体含钛夹杂物。稀土加入量为0.005 4%、0.007 2%、0.009 8%时,形成TiC-CeAlO3、Ti(C,N)-CeAlO3,含钛夹杂物逐步向椭球形、球形转变,从棱角分明的形状转变为具有光滑曲面的夹杂物并且含钛夹杂物的尺寸减小。随着稀土加入量的增加,钢中含钛夹杂物的析出数量增加,直径小于1μm的含钛夹杂物析出比例增加、含钛夹杂物的平均尺寸逐渐减小。
The titanium-containing inclusions in the titanium-containing microalloyed steel were completely electrolytically extracted by an aqueous solution electrolytic method,and the non-destructive separation of the inclusions was achieved by a physical magnetic separation method.Samples of titanium-containing inclusions were prepared by ultrasonic dispersion and dripping of the suspension of the inclusions,and the morphology of titanium-containing inclusions in steel with the addition of rare earth was studied in combination with a scanning electron microscope.The study results showed that the morphology of titanium-containing inclusions changed to varying degrees with the increase in the amount of rare earth added.Without the addition of rare earth cerium,the titanium-containing inclusions in the steel had a typical cuboid morphology.When 0.003 8% rare-earth cerium was added,the rectangular parallelepiped titanium-containing inclusions were transformed into rectangular parallelepiped titanium-containing inclusions.When the amount of rare earth added was 0.005 4%,0.007 2%,and 0.009 8%,TiC-CeAlO3,Ti(C,N)-CeAlO3 formed,and the titanium-containing inclusions gradually changed into ellipsoid,and sphere,and the shape changed from the angular shape into inclusions with smooth curved surfaces,and the size of titanium-containing inclusions are reduced.With the increase of the amount of rare earth added,the precipitation amount of titanium-containing inclusions in steel increased,the precipitation ratio of titanium-containing inclusions with a diameter less than 1 μm increased,and the average size of titanium-containing inclusions gradually decreased.