通过差热—热重试验及流态化理论计算确定了流态化氧化参数,完成了不同温度焙烧试验研究,并对流态化氧化改性后钛渣进行了Raman、XRD、SEM分析。研究表明,攀枝花钛渣粒度分布较均匀,适合采用流态化技术进行焙烧处理;流态化焙烧过程中,攀枝花钛渣主要含钛物相依次发生低价钛氧化物—锐钛型TiO2—金红石转变;铁黑钛石相转化成金红石和板钛矿相。随着温度升高,氧化速度加快。在强氧化过程中,黑钛石固溶体产生了大量的细小孔洞和微裂纹,在850~1 100℃,氧化温度越高,形成的表面微裂纹及内部小孔洞越多,黑钛石固溶体晶格的破坏程度就越大。
攀枝花钛渣 /
流态化 /
氧化 /
The parameters of fluidized oxidation of Panzhihua titanium slag were determined by TG-DSC and theoretical calculations,and the roasting experiments at different temperatures were carried out.Furthermore,the titanium slag after modification by fluidized oxidation was characterized by Raman,XRD and SEM,respectively.The results show that the titanium slag has a relatively uniform particle size distribution,which is suitable for roasting by fluidization.The transitions of the main Ti-containing phases,successively from titanium oxides of low-valence state to anatase titanium dioxide and finally to rutile,occur during the fluidized oxidation of the slag.The ferrous anosovite phase is transformed into rutile and brookite phases.The oxidation rate increases with increase of the temperature.In the process of strong oxidation,a large number of small pores and microcracks are produced in the solid solution of anosovite.At 850~1 100 ℃,more surface microcracks and internal small pores are formed at a higher oxidation temperature,with more destruction of the lattice of the anosovite solid solution.