针对以全攀枝花钛精矿冶炼的钛渣中TiO2含量低、钙镁含量高的特点,分析了其熔盐氯化工艺关键控制点,并分别以Ti O2品位为74%、78%的钛渣为原料,研究了熔盐氯化工艺生产过程控制,分析比较了不同钛渣原料对产品粗四氯化钛质量的影响及粗四氯化钛生产成本的影响。结果表明:以全攀枝花钛精矿冶炼的TiO2含量为74%、78%的高钙镁钛渣为熔盐氯化原料时,氯化熔盐中TiO2、C含量宜控制在3%左右,循环泥浆中固体杂质含量宜控制在200 g/L左右。与采用TiO2含量为78%钛渣相比,采用TiO2含量为74%钛渣生产时氯化熔盐温度和收尘室进口气体控制温度降低30~50℃,石油焦、氯化钠单耗和废盐、收尘渣量增加,粗四氯化钛产品中固体杂质和VOCl3、SiCl4、FeCl3含量较低。采用TiO2含量为74%的钛渣为原料熔盐氯化生产粗TiCl4比采用TiO2含量为78%的钛渣成本降低5%~10%。
According to the characteristic of titanium slag produced with ilmenite concentrate in Panzhihua as raw material that the content of calcium and magnesium impurities is high but the TiO2 concentration is low,the analysis for the critical control point in process of melting salt chlorination with those titanium slags was carried out. The process control of melting salt chlorination was studied and the effects on the quality and cost of crude TiCl4 were analyzed and compared,with titanium slags respectively containing 74% and 78% TiO2 as raw materials. It is indicated that with the titanium slags mentioned above as raw materials the content of TiO2 and C in the melting salt should be controlled at about 3%,and the content of solid impurities in circulating mud should be 200 g/L or so. With the titanium slag containing 74% TiO2 as raw material,the temperature of melting salt and inlet gas for dust chamber is decreased by 30~50 ℃,and the consumption of petroleum coke and NaCl,amount of waste salts and collected sludge increase while the contents of solid impurities,VOCl3,SiCl4,FeCl3 in crude TiCl4 keep at a lower level,compared to those in the process with the titanium slag containing 78% TiO2 as raw material. Furthermore,the cost for production of crude TiCl4 decreases by 5%~10% using titanium slag with 74% TiO2,comparing to that with titanium slag containing 78% TiO2 as raw material.