为更高效地开发利用印尼钛铁砂,利用X射线衍射(XRD)、激光粒度分析以及扫描电镜-能谱(SEMEDS)等研究方法,对钛铁砂的矿石性质及其细磨磁选过程进行研究。结果表明:在该钛铁砂中,铁和钛均主要以钛磁铁矿、钛铁矿、钛赤铁矿的形式存在;采用细磨、磁选方法进行选矿,磨矿细度达-0.074 mm占87.98%后,磨矿效率为平均每分钟-0.074 mm含量的增长率仅为0.913%;综合考虑磨矿成本与磁选指标,在选矿过程中,适宜的磨矿细度为-0.074 mm占72.76%,在此磨矿细度条件下,当磁感应强度为160 m T时,获得的铁精矿中铁品位为59.5%,铁回收率为95.70%,TiO2品位为11.7%,TiO2回收率为92.21%。
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In order to exploit Indonesian ilmenite sands more effectively,the properties of the ore and the process of grinding and magnetic separation test were studied by using X ray diffraction (XRD),laser particle size analysis,scanning electron microscope energy spectrum (SEM- EDS) and other methods. The results show that both iron and titanium mainly exist in the form of titanomagnetite,ilmenite and titanohematite in the ilmenite sands. Grinding and magnetic separation methods are used for mineral processing.When the grinding fineness of- 0.074 mm accounts for 87.98 percent,the grinding efficiency expressed by growth of- 0.074 mm per minute is only 0.913 percent. Considering the cost of grinding and the index of magnetic separation,the appropriate grinding fineness of- 0.074 mm accounts for 72.76 percent where the concentrate with TFe grade of 59.5 percent,the TFe recovery of 95.70 percent,TiO2 grade of 11.7percent,the TiO2 recovery of 92.21 percent has been obtained when the used strength of the magnetic field is 160 m T.