Mineralogical characteristics including structures,chemical compositions and changing patterns of ilmenite in Hongge vanadium-bearing titaniferous magnetite in Panzhihua,Sichuan,were detailedly studied by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope(SEM),electron probe micro-analysis(EPMA),X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF) and differential thermal analysis-thermogravimetry(DTA-TG).The results indicate that ilmenite in Hongge vanadium-bearing titaniferous magnetite exists in independent mineral particle or ilmenite crystal plate or strip exsolved from solid solution of titaniferous magnetite.The ilmenite in the forms of euhedral-subhedral and anhedral crystal particles and titaniferous magnetite form poikilitic structure or filled in gangue grains to form sideronitic texture or web ring texture.The two types of ilmenite observed by mineral phase analysis were oikocryst and chadacryst.The major chemical compositions of the ilmenite are ferrum(Fe),titanium(Ti),magnesium(Mg),vanadium(V) and manganese(Mn).The correlation analysis indicates that Fe,Ti,Mg,V,and Al are closely related to each other.With the decrease of the ilmenite's particle size,ferrum(Fe) content gradually increases while TiO2 and MgO contents decrease.The results provide significant practical references to ore dressing and separation of the ilmenite in vanadium-bearing titaniferous magnetite in that area.