以钛酸正丁酯为前躯体,硝酸铵和九水硝酸铁为氮、铁掺杂源,利用水热法制备了氮、铁共掺杂TiO2粉体。采用XRD、FE-SEM、EDS、BET、FT-IR等手段对所制备粉体进行了表征。结果显示:共掺杂TiO2粉体为锐钛矿型,呈球状,粒径为9.2 nm,较高的比表面积201 m2/g。对甲基橙溶液的光降解实验结果表明,在350W氙灯(模拟自然光)条件下,共掺杂的TiO2对于甲基橙的降解率为96.4%,光催化活性高于P25。在太阳光下,光照4 h,对甲基橙的降解率达到84.5%。
TiO2 /
水热法 /
共掺杂 /
Using tetra-4-butyl titanate as precursor,NH4NO3 and Fe(NO3)3·9H2O as dopants,the N-Fe co-doped TiO2 were synthesized through hydrothermal method.The size,appearance,structure and property of TiO2 were characterized by XRD,FE-SEM,UV-VIS,BET and FT-IR.The results showed that the co-doped TiO2 powders were anatase,spherality,possessed specific surface area of 201 m2/g and grain size of 9.2 nm.The experiment results of methyl orange solution degradation show that the degradation rate of methyl orange was 96.4% under Xe-lamp(350 W) irradiation 1 hour,and the photocatalytic activity was higher than P25.Under the sunlight irradiation 4 hour,the degradation rate of methyl orange was 84.5%.